Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fausto me dijo ke pusiera un poema, HE aqui MI POEMA de un Amor casi imposible

supposedly, supposedly NOT. Promises that keep you waiting for that, you're not even sure you want. Promises that maybe keep us apart. I'm not so sure of that, but you just keep on holding. I know is hard for you, i understand that that you're going trough, i'm not that sure either that those promises are a lie, but in the meantime, What are we supposed to be doing when i'm getting even more caught up??...
Should i even get caught up?

MODE: JEy the missunderstood.
Under the influence of "Himposibility"


Fausto Liriano said...

Que fácil! eh? Echarme toda la culpa a mi!!!! Pero nada, Bienvenida a la expresión libre de dejar que otros te lean... escribe con sinceridad y eso nos ayudará a entender lo que nunca hemos entendido, no de tí, sino de la vida...

Anonymous said...

yo no entender el idioma ingles, yo ser dominicana, por favor traducir...